Saturday, May 30, 2009

Testing your love competencies

Robert Epstein, whom I met in February this year in California, discussed his new program: Making love.

I love his work and have beent trying to bring him down under. I'm sure you will enjoy his mix of scientific foundations, empirical testing and lots of good humour.

Whilst I think that we owe it ourselves for fall in love with our life first, I'm sure we can take his learnings for our own self improvement.

Take the test and find for yourself about your personal profile and your love skills here

I'm sure you will have a ball.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What is your legacy?

Today is Friday evening and I am celebrating...

I want to have a profound joy tip, celebrating the life of my elders. My mum and dad whom I saw in Venezuela few weeks ago, and my mother in law who made me return to be at her side during her last days.

I had forgotten that death is part of life. I remember my friend Salim Abi Saab in my home country who told me once: we only 'have to' die, all the rest we do because we want to. And I've been thinking heaps (a lot in Ozzie English) about what my legacy will be.

For once, we've established some basic rules about our lives whilst we can make those decisions. No need to end in a Schiavo case, but those events are a call to action. We now know SOME wishes about the rest of our family members, but please don't make your legacy a headache for those behind.

When we think about our death, we open up the possibility to make the most of our today. Write your best memories now. Make a time capsule, pick your music, chose your flowers, your resting place, celebrate your life as if it was ending now....

We don't pick when we get in -lesson learnt with my grand daughter- we don't pick when we get out... but sure enough whatever is in the middle is all up to us.

Here is to your legacy