Sunday, February 1, 2009

Celebrate the month of love sharing your thoughts

We are doing a video and you are invited to participate!

Simply record a short message to the world about feeling in love with your life, send it to us and we'll add it to our blog. The video will be uploaded on you tube, so you can also insert it into your blog or web and help us spread the word that yes,
we need to talk about happiness.

And even more, after raising US$1.000 for "I'm an Angel," we'll share 20% of our February profits to a non-profit of your choice that focus on the prevention of depression. Simply
send us your favorite organization and we'll create a poll for our readers to vote in March.

You can select if your name and city will be displayed and by
participating you acknowledge that you give us permission to post the video on our blog at and on youtube.

See this inspiring example below. Isn't the world wonderful?

Happy Valentines Day!